Date City Country Venue
21.02.2021 Washington DC USA, postponed Washington National Cathedral
26.02.2021 Washington DC USA, postponed National City Christian Church
03.03.2021 Pasadena CA USA, postponed Presbyterian Church
10.03.2021 Los Angeles CA USA, postponed Cathedral of Christ the Light
14.03.2021 San Luis Obispo CA USA, postponed Presbyterian Church
21.03.2021 San Francisco CA USA, postponed St. Mary's Cathedral
23.03.2021 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN USA, postponed Church of St. Louis
13.06.2021 Zug Switzerland Ref. Stadtkirche
21.08.2021 Eichstätt Germany Schutzengelkirche
19.09.2021 Emmelshausen Germany RC Church of St. Hildegard
21.10.2021 Heidelberg Germany Jesuit Church
31.10.2021 Dortmund Germany St. Urbanus, Huckarde
05.11.2021 Bielefeld Germany Ev. Kirche Heepen
07.11.2021 Bielefeld Germany Kath. Liebfrauenkirche
14.11.2021 Windesheim Germany Organ Art Museum